Deadlock | Valorant


2 min read

Program | Process

Program = some instructions a computer follows to execute / perform a task. It's stored in the secondary memory (eg. disk) and can have many processes.
Process = an instance of a program, or a file under execution.
(Yes running the .exe after compiling a .cpp)

A program becomes a process when loaded into RAM.


Like when two or more processes in a computer are waiting for each other to make a move, and no one’s budging.

Imagine two processes are holding onto resources the other needs, but neither can proceed without the other letting go first. It’s the ultimate stalemate, and nothing moves forward.
Like 2 programmers waiting for each other's code to merge first.

Deadlock’s Barrier Mesh

If you’ve played Deadlock in Valorant, you know her Barrier Mesh (e) ability throws out a net that creates four interconnected nodes.

Bind site a

Now, picture this: each of those four nodes represents a process dependent on each other. The dependence can be seen by the fifth central node.
That’s what happens in a computer science deadlock: multiple processes are trapped, stuck in a loop of dependencies where each one waits for the other to release its hold of the requested resource. (1000×420)

Breaking the Barrier: Resolving the Deadlock

A few options in Valorant: destroy the nodes or wait it out.
Similarly, in programming, breaking a deadlock means forcing one process to release its hold or finding a workaround.
Timeouts, resource ordering, or other techniques can be used to force a process to back down, freeing up the system.

Whether it’s a game or a server, breaking the deadlock takes action and strategy — but once it happens, everything flows smoothly again.

Thanks to the Valo devs for the easter egg!